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Loom and connector for sealed beam and Halogen H4 headlamps.

As this loom carries all the headlamp current, and it is common for heaver duty bulbs to be fitted these days, our looms are manufactured with heavy duty 28 strand wire in the UK. Standard looms are 14 strand and are often found to be discoloured suggesting they are not capable of  carrying the required electrical load. 

The various cable assemblies that are commonly found on TR's 2-6 are as follows: -

BAU2110 3 pin Lucar type for sealed beam and H4
BAU2111 3 pin Lucar type for sealed beam units with a pilot light integral with the connector
27H5976 3 pin Lucar type for P45T units with a pilot light remote from the connector
In addition early cars will have a BFP type bulb for which the following cable assembly will be required: -
501433 BFP connection.

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