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Ben Short Revington TR hillclimb and sprint Champion 2004

Published: 15 Nov 2004

Ben Short has competed for a number of years in the 'Sprint and Hillclimb Championship'. However in previous years it hadn't always been convenient to compete in enough events to satisfactorily contest the championship. As a result of this years rule changes, Ben and his Dad Mathew, decided to continue in the tuned class and to ensure competitiveness, fit the newly allowed limited slip differential. Mathew and Penny's TR2 was built by RTR 15 years ago for Penny's then boss, as a virtually direct copy of my TR2.

Ben has proved his skills over the last few years when competing in hill climbs and sprints when He, his Dad and myself have competed together, Ben and Mathew in their TR2 and myself in my TR2. Neither Mathew nor I have been able to get near his times. Later in this season at a very wet Castle Combe Bens karting experience came through. He repeatedly negotiated camp corner with full opposite lock, in an elegant full power slide. Sadly I was not there to witness this but I was told it was a truly awesome performance.

Bens championship win was very popular, which was complemented by the drivers decision at the drivers meeting to present Ben with the 'Gatepost' award for putting all us old farts to shame with his driving skills. Ben has set a marker for all the other competitors to aspire to in 2005, we look forward to seeing you all out on the hills and circuits in the forthcoming season. Should you want to find out more about the championship contact myself, Neil Revington. Naturally Revington TR will be delighted to prepare your car for you.