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5.66" STUD HEAD 144mm

Part No:
Price Ex VAT @ 20%

IN STOCK This part is immediately available

This part appears on the following Triumph Catalogue Plates

Car Type Plate Plate Title Plate No. Triumph Part Description No per Unit
TR2 A ENGINE: CYLINDER BLOCK AND HEAD A13F Stud, cylinder head 1
TR3 A ENGINE: CYLINDER BLOCK AND HEAD A13F Stud, cylinder head 1
TR4 A ENGINE: CYLINDER BLOCK AND HEAD. A13 Stud, cylinder head attachment, rear of block-R.H. side 1
TR4A A 83 m.m. and 86 m.m. ENGINE: BLOCK AND HEAD A13 Stud, cylinder head attachment; rear of block - R.H. side 1

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